Hamed Yeganegi |
Director Researchers Ph.D. Candidate Students Alumni
Hamed Yeganegi, earned his received bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran in 2014. He then started his master’s in biomedical engineering at the department of electrical engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology in 2014. During his master’s, from 2015 to 2017, , he was doing research on decoding of the hindlimb kinematics from neural signal recorded from the dorsal horn neurons in the spinal cord under the supervision of Prof. A. Erfanian at the Iran Neural Technology Center. The results demonstrated the possibility of precise estimation of limb positions in rhythmic locomotion using a single electrode implanted in the dorsal horn gray matter of the spinal cord. The results was published in the Scientific Reports of the Nature.
In 2019 he started his PhD in systemic neuroscience at Technical University of Munich, where he conducts research on songbird brain, trying to mechanistically explore the link between sleep and memory consolidation. From 2020 he is also affiliated with LMU Munich. His main research interest is construing the role of brain oscillations during sleep.
H. Yeganegi, Y. Fathi, and A. Erfanian, Decoding hind limb kinematics from neuronal activity of the dorsal horn neurons using multiple level learning algorithm, Scientific Reports-Nature, vol. 8, no. 577, 2018. https//doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-18971-x