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:: Behraz Farrokhi ::
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Behraz Farrokhi received the BSc degree from Zanjan University, Iran, in 2008 and the MSc and PhD degrees from Tarbiat Moddares University and Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran, in 2012 and 2020, respectively, all in electrical and electronics engineering. In 2021 he was also researcher at the primate lab in  Royan Institute in cooperation with Tehran University. His research interests include brain-computer interface, neuroscience, computational neuroscience, brain signal processing, music signal processing, machine learning and pattern recognition His experimental experiences include designing and implementation of monkey setup for studying hand movement-related activities in brain signals, designing and subdural  implantation of  ECoG array over the brain of Rhesus monkey. Long-term recording from the ECoG array (Iran Neural Technology Research Center, Iran University of Science and Technology). He has also contributed at designing and implementation of training and  intracortical recording setup related to the Parkinson disease treatment project in cooperation with Royan Institute primate lab and Tehran university.
1. B. Farrokhi, and A. Erfanian, “A state-based probabilistic method for decoding hand position during movement from ECoG signals in non-human primate,” Journal of neural engineering 15 (3), 036020, 2020.
2.   B. Farrokhi, and A. Erfanian, “A piecewise probabilistic regression model to decode hand movement trajectories from epidural and subdural ECoG signals,” Journal of neural engineering 17 (2), 026042, 2018.
3. B. Farrokhi,  E. Kabir, and H. Sajedi, “Onset detection for tar solo,” International Journal of Speech Technology 21 (4), pp. 761-771, 2018.
4. B. Farrokhi,  E. Kabir, “ Onset detection for tar solo based on energy and pitch features,” Iranian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 14(1), pp. 82-88, 2016 (In Persian)
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